Png Image Animation Css. The rest should be easy to understand as well. Animation duration controls the speed of the animation.
Update of april 2019 collection. Animation timing function controls how the animation will look like. Next we attach the animation sequence to the css class animation name.
Just change as below in your animate1 class css animate1 animation mymove 5s 2.
Multiple image network graphics mng is a graphics file format published in 2001 for animated images. Collection of hand picked free html and css image effect code examples. I set the height of the element to 327px because that is the height of the image the image host resized it we could use background size to change that or even use percentages to scale the image but then the animation would have to be adjusted to also use percentages to accommodate and that will be a little tricky due to how background position is relative to both the image. Mng is closely related to the png image format.